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Bygone menus, part two: Taqueria Gila Monster

Taqueria Gila Monster was across from the old Isthmus office at 101 King in the space that is now occupied by Red Sushi, but I was eating at TGM before I started working at the paper. The food was terrific. My standard order was the chile rellenos, which were perfect – ethereal batter, very fresh peppers. I’ve never had another version that even comes close. Another daily special, a lamb-raisin filling in tacos and enchildas, lives on in my memory.

You ordered at the counter and then they gave you a tarot card to put on your table to indicate which order was which.

I caught up with the Gila Monster’s Jill Watson for Isthmus back in 2007. She started at L’Etoile. In 2007 she was a Director of External Relations and Development for the UW Foundation.

Here’s the old menu.

TGM menu back


Livingston at Dayton

This was hardly the most iconic Trachte building in the neighborhood. Much of its siding had been replaced and also the roof. It was always getting tagged with spray paint. And I’m not sure it was being used for anything. It was torn down in June to make way for another big apartment complex.

Bygone menus, part one: Uncle Stanley’s


That was incredible bread.

Uncle Stanley’s was a sandwich shop in the original University Square Mall development back when University Square was new. It was back near the theaters, closer to West Johnson Street. I remember going there in high school. The bread – the buns – as I remember them – were round and flat, like Frisbee-sized English muffins, that is the aeration of the crumb was very open like an English muffin, but they were much tastier than English muffins — more savory, and crunchy on the outside.

The ingredient list for the Steamer is somewhat alarming (“lunch meat” – I’m assuming that meant bologna?) but I think I more often ordered the vegetarian, the turkey or the roast beef. I do not remember there being a fish sandwich, and it’s odd, since there obviously was a fish sandwich, why I didn’t order it. We all know about me and fish sandwiches.

I found this menu after much Googling within a thesis of some sort at the UW-Madison library site. The work in question is: Frey-Doering, Kathy; Zanella Albright, Kathy A. / How to teach: chronological age-appropriate activities for school aged moderately and severely handicapped students (1982).